Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sometimes You Just Need a Break

The last few weeks of my life have been a blur. I didn't know what day of the week it was and couldn't carry on a normal conversation with anyone if they tried. My brain was consumed with completing the very daunting task of launching Southern Belle Magazine. You may not can tell by looking thru the site exactly how much work and time it takes. It is mentally exhausting. So much so that this week, my brain is still mush, I'm still having trouble keeping up with what day it is and I'm just plain ole tired. So nearing a nervous breakdown/panic attach the past couple of days, I decided it was probably a good idea to take a break.

I have a wonderful new friend who allows me to stay in her townhouse in Panama City Beach anytime I'd like so at the beach is where I am as I write this. Yes, I do know how lucky I am to be able to do that. Not everyone can escape at the drop of a hat. I am truly blessed.

Do you ever feel like you simply MUST take a break or you're just going to go plum crazy? I think as women we try to be all and do all for everyone, often losing ourselves in the process. Sometimes we just need to take some time for "just me". Whether it's 10 minutes to look thru your favorite magazine, 20 minutes to soak in a tub, a 30 minute nap, a 2 hour movie or a day or so at the beach. We need to simply breathe, think thru things, make decisions or plans, perhaps even jot a few notes in a journal about possibly chasing a dream.

Whatever YOUR break is, please take the time to just do it! It will refresh your mind and give you renewed energy to tackle your day to day life. Losing yourself will put you in a downward spiral to unhappiness, or worse, a depression. Here's a little checklist to help you get started!

1) Right when you wake up, before ANYTHING else, read something motivational: a bible scripture, an inspirational quote, etc. Think you won't do it? Then take the time to put a few verses or quotes on post it notes and stick them to your bathroom mirror. Just take that 2 minutes to be thankful for a new day. CHOOSE to be happy.

2) On your lunch break- take a 10 minute walk outside. Sunshine will make a huge difference in your mood!
3) Late afternoon, perhaps on your drive home for work- turn off the radio, TV and any other background noise.... yep- even the cell phone. Just be in silence. Reflect on your day. Talk to God. Relax your mind before your evening starts.
4) Evening- take time to really talk with your partner and your children. Listen to how their day was. Be all you can be in those few moments with them.  They deserve you at your best.

5) When everyone is in bed- catch up on some reading, spend some quiet time with God. END your day. I recently read that the work never ends so we must choose to stop our day. Your body, mind and soul need rest. (and I'm preaching to myself on this one!)
.... and last but not least..... take some time (a Saturday morning, your day off, whatever time you can) and think about your life. What do you want from it? How do you want to impact others? Start making a plan of action to put your dreams in motion. They don't have to be the big dreams like being a millionaire or traveling the world. Just start listing the little things you'd like to do in life that would make you happy. Then start doing them. God wants us to live life abundantly and victoriously. To be so happy ourselves that our "happy light" shines onto others.

BUT, keep it in balance ladies! We sure don't have time for an extended stay in the looney bin! That is something that I am trying to work on myself. B-A-L-A-N-C-E. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. Darn, where are those ruby red slippers when you need them? If they can take Dorothy home then surely they can do a little magic for me!

Until next time,

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