Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tell me YOUR dream! Then go for it!

Being a night owl gives you some quiet time to just think, doesn't it? Oops. I really should stop doing so much thinking! I'm just plain pooped. My to-do list poster is overwhelming but the word simplify just doesn't seem to fit into my brain. No wonder really, it's already full of thoughts and ideas! No room for simple.

So here are my night owl thoughts. First, and don't you laugh!, I actually realized that I have a title! Yep, I'm a WAHM! Don't know quite why that hasn't dawned on me before. I was just associating that title to moms with small children who were either doing a direct sales type business or crafting something to sell. But I AM a Work At Home Mom!!  My chosen route just happens to take up a poster size space! 

So, you ask, how's my new weight loss journey going? Yesterday was pretty good but today I was a bad girl. Just a bit overwhelmed today so I just didn't do what I should have. But I will tomorrow!!! Felt guilty today- which is good incentive! I'll add a few new tips tomorrow or Thursday. 

Can I ask you a question? What do you want to be when you grow up? Do you know? Do you have a dream? Do you have a plan? Are you going to go for that dream? Or are you just going to settle and leave the dream up to fate instead of working toward it? 

I am 42 years old and I have just not too long ago figured out what I want to do with my life. As crazy as my family thinks I am, I love being busy and creating the outlets for my dreams to actually come true from the ground up. It takes work ya'll. A LOT of work. Long hours, no pay usually (not yet anyway) and the determination to just not give up. Tell me your dream. Let me give you some tips on how to go for that dream! Ladies say this to me all the time, "I don't know how you do it all". So here's your chance to get exclusive insider tips!

I want to build my own little empire, so to speak. I want about 5 different businesses to work and be successful. Why? To be famous? no. To be rich? yes, so I can share that blessing with those who need it. To feel important? no. I do what I do because I simply love it. It defines who I am. It's when I'm happiest. Crazy ideas and all. So what's holding you back? Come on, tell me! I promise you, a dream is attainable. Your willingness to work toward it just has to be as strong as the desire for it to come true. Just like you want to do everything you can to make your own children happy, God wants to do the same for His children. You! Me.

Here's my email: Tell me your dream. What can I do to help you get started? Just call me Dear Amy! I mean think about it... I am a southern housewife who is now the owner of her own magazine! Still small and relatively unknown, but a magazine, none the less! I am doing 2 interviews this week with a couple of celebrities! Small television show celebrities and not movie stars, but they DO have their own  TV show so in my book, they're celebrities! I'd say that going after my dream seems to be going in the right direction, wouldn't you?

And, yes, ONE day, I'll write a book about it! After all, THAT's on the list too!
As promised, the quick snapshot of my to-do poster! lol. Nope, not too cute, but at least there's enough room on it for me!

Until next time,

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Lose Weight? I say YES! How bout You?

So are you ready to lose some weight? I am! Don't get me wrong, I don't mind being a plus size, cause I just don't think I'll ever be skinny again, but I would like to be a smaller plus size. I know myself and I know that I will not follow through on any sort of hard core diet, restrictions, all or nothing kind of programs so I have decided to just incorporate a few little things each week that I know I can do!

I have been researching a bit and will continue to do so as we go along, to find easy tips that we can all do. Baby steps for this gal! So are you with me? I will add new tips each few days or each week depending on how they fit into the plan! I am really excited about this! I think we can do it!!! Let's get started!

Weigh in Monday morning. No, you don't have to tell me cause I ain't tellin' you either! Next, we must set a goal. And no, I don't mean say, "I need to lose 100 lbs". That is too overwhelming. Let's go with a goal of just 1 pound per week. Or 2 pounds if you want to challenge yourself. See, doesn't that sound do-able? 

It will also help to have someone do this with you or at least be your accountability partner. Check in & report to your partner your progress every couple of days- good or bad. 

Incorporate as many of this week's tips as you'd like. For example: on Monday, you can do just 1 tip or go ahead and start doing several of them. Or you can just add 1 or 2 each day. This is supposed to be easy for you to fit into YOUR lifestyle. 


1- #1 tip there is- Drink lots of water. Drink 8-10 8 oz glasses per day.  Best way is to drink 2 glasses (16 oz) before each meal. It will help you feel full and eat less. Don't care for water? Buy the flavored water or squeeze some flavor in yourself from a lemon, lime or orange.

2- Use a smaller plate for meals. This will help with portion control. No super size options here!

3- Don't clean your plate! I know, you were taught the opposite. But trust me, it's ok. Get in the habit of leaving a few bites on your plate. This will train you to pay attention to when you're getting full instead of concentrating on eating everything on the plate.

4- Eat Slowly. Enjoy your food. Be sure to spice your foods well while cooking. Eating bland food feels too much like a diet.

5- Our goal is LESS CALORIES. To lose weight we must burn more calories than we take in. So don't obsess over low fat, no fat, low carb, etc. Pay attention to how many calories are in the foods you eat. Read labels and don't forget to divide out per serving size. Don't worry about sticking to a certain number of calories per day just yet. We'll get to that soon.

6- MOVE! Pick something you actually enjoy! We are going to avoid the words exercise and working out. Just do something that gets you off the couch. Walk, run, swim, zumba, karate, bike riding, playing ball with your kids, etc. Do some activity at least 3 times per week.

7- Don't try to change your diet too much just yet. Eat what you've been eating, just smaller portions, which will help with the less calories part. Drinking the water and doing an activity will jump start you without you feeling like you're depriving yourself.

That's it, for a few days at least. Easy right! So let's try this for a couple of days and then we may add some tips. Good Luck!!!  We can do it!!!!!

Until next time,

Friday, February 24, 2012

Who needs a poster?

So maybe I don't need a to-do list poster when I can have a whole chalkboard WALL instead!!! I absolutely LOVE this idea! Good for my never-ending list, kids can draw, guests can play, etc. Only problem I can see is.... won't fit in my purse if I make a grocery list on it!

Confession time! Although most of you reading this already know me, there may be a few of you who don't. So I'm just lettin' ya know that I'm a middle aged, big girl. Sorry, refuse to tell my weight just yet but suffice it to say that big girl is darn accurate! 

I am going to be posting some tips on weight loss. I want to tweak all the ideas out there and just pull from here & there to find what works best for me..... just so I don't go ballistic on my family. Bless their hearts. Going to make it super easy and gradual. Hope some of you will join me! And feel free to post your own ideas too! First tips coming tomorrow!

By the way, pinterest IS pretty cool! Hope I don't disappoint my followers with boring stuff! LOL

Photo of my beautiful to-do list poster to come! Maybe it will inspire you! Or maybe it'll just make you feel sorry for me so you'll come help! 

As for today, I am here:
But WISH I were here:  (Beautiful Destin, FL)

Until next time (tomorrow),

Markers & a Poster! How FUN! - well maybe not.

    It's Ramen Noodle time! Which also means it's midnight and Ramen is my own version of 5 hr energy. Too bad they're also horrible for me. Where to start? hmmm. I have a ton of laundry waiting and a pillow whispering my name but I have chosen to stay up and work on that darn to-do list. 
    I have managed to cross a few things off lately and (yay me) I've even delegated a couple of things out. Boy that's tough..... letting go of control.... not quite my comfort zone. So, guess what I'm bout to do? I am artistically creating a to-do list poster! Yes, POSTER!

Color coded for home, family, errands, blogs, fb pages, magazine, etc, etc. Not even joking. My notepad lists are now a stack.... and I'm staying confused! I know most women are probably just as busy as I am, right? Hello? Right? Ok, well maybe I DO bring it on myself. Good thing I love it all! Um, ok, maybe not the laundry.

    So, I'm also bout to go explore pinterest for the first time. I created my account the other day but didn't have time to browse. Then, all of a sudden, the past couple days I've been getting emails about folks "following me" on pinterest! What? Where are you following? I haven't even been anywhere! Ah the pressure! Must give my people something to follow!!! 

   I've been duly warned that pinterest in addicting. Excuse me? This is Amy... you know.... Hello my name is Amy and I have ABD (adult busyness disorder). I don't have time for addictions! Please, please, pinterest powers that be, don't let me get addicted! Or maybe we could form a pinterest club or something? We could call it: P.A. (pinterest anonymous)

Must tell you that I found the cutest thing on facebook this week... well, if you can call food cute! A local stay-at-home mom is baking cake balls! Cake BALLS!!! I just love that! Am I behind? Has everyone already heard of these? Super cute!

    Oh, almost forgot! Have this awesome recipe to share with you! Super easy, yummy and well, just try it!
Yes, people. I got this recipe from a website. I am a southern wife, but that does not mean that I have to cook everything from scratch. Just sayin'.

Mini Apple Crostatas


 1 Pillsbury® refrigerated pie crust (from 15-oz box), softened as directed on box
 1  large baking apple, peeled, cored and thinly sliced (about 2 cups)
 2 tablespoons sugar
1/4  teaspoon ground cinnamon
8 teaspoons caramel flavored topping

Heat oven to 425°F. Unroll crust on work surface. Roll crust out slightly; cut into 4 (5-inch) rounds. Place rounds on parchment lined cookie sheet. In medium bowl, mix sugar and cinnamon; toss apple slices into sugar mixture. Divide apple slices evenly onto center of each pie crust round. Fold 1/2-inch of crust over filling, pinching slightly so that crust lays flat on apples. Bake 18 to 20 minutes or until crust is golden brown and apples slices are tender. Drizzle 2 teaspoons caramel topping over each crostata. If desired, serve warm with ice cream.

Now, let me get my game face on and go visit the "p" word. 

Until next time, 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Life is a Blessing.

     Today was an amazing day. God threw lots of little reminders my way of why I am truly blessed. And not one of those reminders involved money or things. I enjoyed a lunch meeting with some awesome women who I am so very proud to call my friends. I then spent the afternoon talking with one of the most creative, smart and hardest working women I've ever met. She inspires me.
     Tonight, I was humbled by a simple post on facebook that made me stop & reflect for a moment on how precious life is and the people who are in it. I must share a bit of her story.
    I met Natalie thru my jody magazine facebook page a little over a year ago. She is a photographer and someone had recommended I look at her work. I did. I was impressed. I called her to do a couple of shoots for the magazine. I watched this 23 year old young lady literally lay flat on the ground, in the dirt, to get the shot she wanted. She is a sweetheart and her enthusiasm is contagious. Her smile will make your day! After the first shoot she did for me, she told me her story.
    She, just one year before, had unexpectedly lost her husband. He died in his sleep from complications with a couple of health issues and medications. They had spent their last evening together having dinner and doing some shopping with friends in Panama City Beach. Justin wasn't feeling well that night, but pleased his bride by going along on the outing. He fell asleep on the couch later that night and never woke up. He and Natalie also have a young, little boy.

    Natalie told me this story with not one tear in her eyes. Something I can't even do as I write this. I knew that this was a pretty special girl. Since losing her love, she has poured her heart & soul into the photography business she is passionate about. I believe God has amazing plans for her life and her business. It is my honor to know her and to use her work in my magazines. Thank you Natalie, for blessing me with your strength, your smile and your beautiful photos. (You can find her on Facebook under Natalie Norris Photography and her website:

Until next time,

Saturday, February 18, 2012

They WON!!!

    I told you all earlier about my hubby heading up a chili cook-off team in a local competition. They won GRAND PRIZE!!!! Woo-HOOOOOO!!!! I am SO proud of him! I have already been asked if he will let me share the winning recipe on here, but he says no. Sorry! Says he has to defend his title with this recipe next year then we can post it! He'd be happy to cook you up some tho! Only $100 per gallon. What? Think that's too much? Come on now, it IS the grand prize chili recipe!!!
    Now home and watching Breaking Dawn with my kids. Yep, I'm a Team Edward girl. Am I too old to say that? Oh well. Might as well go ahead and tell you I like Harry Potter too. There. Secrets are out.
    Now, what kind of contest can I enter so my hubby doesn't have one up on me? Hmmmmm.

Until next time,

Rainy Saturday. Time for some chili.

    Today is a messy weather day here in Southeast Alabama. The kind where you just want to curl up under a blanket, watch a movie and just be lazy. But, a wife's job is not quite that easy most days is it? So far today, I have done laundry, ran a couple of errands, bought groceries, put up groceries, return texts and emails, fed & walked the dog and managed to catch the episode of Real Housewives of Orange County that I missed last week. Oops. Probably shouldn't have admitted that last part. Trying to look like a busy housewife here.
    Now, I'm about to get ready to brave the wind and rain to go check out a local event. My hubby is in a chili cook off at this event so I must go cheer him on! Hope he wins!!! Or do I? This is his first time in an actual contest event so if he wins he'll probably want to do it every weekend. BOO! 

    And of course, today is no different than most days of my life. My mind is cluttered with ideas and decisions to be made regarding my career choices. Why can't I just concentrate on ONE thing? So frustrating. Southern life is supposed to be about simplicity isn't it? But noooo, not me! Hello, my name is Amy and I'm an ideas addict. 
    Random thought to throw in here~ I am IN LOVE with the candles from Bass Pro Shops! I was the good wife and mother the other day and took my child shopping in Destin, FL. Hubby thought it might be nice of me to go into Bass Pro to buy his new turkey huntin camo for him. So I did. :) But not without buying me a lil' something too. I bought the roasted expresso candle in the camping style tin cup and let me tell you..... I have not even lit the thing yet and it's smelling up the entire living/kitchen area. Love it! 

     Stay tuned later in the spring to hear all about my very first turkey hunt! Yep, I'm gonna go! I might try to master the turkey call, just won't be doing the shooting. That's his job!

     Guess I better stop blogging and get ready to go eat some prize winning chili!

Until next time,

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Gosh darn it! I am on digital overload! Either technology is going to have to slow down or somebody's just gonna have to add a few hours to this whole 24 hours in a day thing. I can't keep up! Can you??

There is SO much I want to read, view and learn that I am overwhelmed! I have a couple of businesses that I want to incorporate this app and this gidget, widget, whatever they're called and I have 2 blogs that I want to spruce up the appearance of. There's blogger, facebook, evernote, twitter, google plus, linkedin, pinterest, youtube, hubspot, text, etsy, dropbox, smart phones, ipads, kindle.... do I really need to go on? What I really need is a genius of an assistant.... but who works for, well who am I kidding.... she'd have to work for free at this point! 

Well, maybe what I really need is an Alice-Brady Bunch style. Not that I do a ton of housework (please take my word for it and don't stop by my house), but at least I'd feel better if I had a clean and organized home!

Wait, maybe if I just took a computer class that might help. Probably not though, cause they just teach the basics right? UUGGHHH......

Please people!!! If you have ANY suggestions on organizing, prioritizing, computerizing or any other "izing", just let me know! Otherwise, my brain may explode. Is that possible?

Until next time (let me go google some more!) And for the record, (see photo at top of this post) I never conquered the rubik's cube either. Well, at least not without taking a few stickers off!


Monday, February 13, 2012

The Dreaded To-Do List

 Are you a list maker? I am. I love lists. Actually, they're pretty much a necessity the older I get just so I can remember what all I'm supposed to be doing. So today, I am working at home and decided it best to make my to-do list in order to have a most productive day.

    I have my list of household chores I need to get done today and I have a list of things for work I really need to get done today. So far, I've managed to cross off about 3 of the 50 things on the list. NOT feeling very productive. Only 3, really? What to do when your list is overwhelming you? PROCRASTINATE! Yep, can't you tell? I'm blogging aren't I? THAT wasn't on the list for today.

    So during my procrastination I've started to ponder..... why do women feel like we have to do it all? Wife, mother, house cleaner, errand girl, laundry attendant, career woman and we can't leave off our actual desired activities such as: blogging, painting, reading, watching chick flicks, exercising, spa time, tanning or whatever else we love to do with some of our time. Notice I didn't say "spare time". I don't think there is such a thing.

    My husband would look at me right now and say his usual, "you bring it on yourself." And he'd be right. But gosh darn it, I love doing all the extra things my busy, creative mind thinks of. Too bad the dreaded to-do list gets in the way.

    New idea! Let's start a "we're the list makers club" and add girls night to the list- monthly. Who's in?

Ok, procrastination party time over. Must tackle this list!

Until next time,

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Southern Lady - The Rules???

     While doing a little research for Southern Belle Magazine, I came across some interesting and amusing "rules and descriptions" of a southern lady. Thought I'd share them.
    ~You pull over to the side of the road when a funeral procession passes, showing respect for the       
    ~You know how to entertain and all your parties have themes.
    ~You cross your legs at your ankles.
    ~You always clean your house before going on a trip.
    ~You monogram everything.
    ~You know that no matter how old you are, your father is “Daddy” and your mother is “Mama.”
    ~You only use a straw to sip a mint julep, during an illness, or when you have a Coke in a can.
    ~You follow up everything with “Bless your heart.”
    ~You had two cakes at your wedding—a bride’s cake and a groom’s cake.
    ~You love sweet tea, red velvet cake, black-eyed peas, fried okra, turnip greens, and cornbread.
    ~You think fried catfish is the other white meat.

   -Never wear white shoes before Easter or after Labor Day except if you're a bride. (I think we're
    past this one, don't you?)
   -Thank you notes are a necessary component of being gracious and appreciative.
   -Never chew gum or smoke in public. (don't think I like this one! I love me some gum!)
   -Never show anger in public. Smile and act like a lady.
   -Act helpless and confused when it's to your advantage; never let them know how clever and   
    capable you really are.
   -Charm, Charm, Charm.
   -Be elegant and graceful

And a couple great quotes:
"Remember to be very careful of who you talk about around here. Everybody in the South is kin to each other. No matter who you bring up, you're bound to be insulting somebody's aunt, uncle, or third cousin twice removed."
"Tacky" - a common word used most often by Southern women describing someone's behavior or appearance. 

Any of that sound familiar to you? lol. 
I would like to add a few of my own:
   A true southern lady (wife) should know how to:
      ~ cook chicken 'n dumplins from scratch (which I haven't mastered yet)
      ~ shoot a gun (come on hubby- time for a lesson!)
      ~ watch a football game and actually enjoy it and know at least a little of what's 
         going on.
      ~ keep her husband (or significant other) and children happy but always make 
         time for herself
      ~ and most importantly: know when to keep her opinions to herself and 
         not criticize someone on facebook..... just sayin'

Want to add some to the list? Leave your comments! Would love to hear from you!

Until next time,

Friday, February 10, 2012

Launching Southern Belle Mag soon! Need your help!

Getting SO excited! Southern Belle Magazine will launch on March 15th! Would LOVE to hear your ideas and suggestions for what you'd like to see! It's going to be an online only, blog style magazine. We loved ediTORIal by Tori Spelling (my entrepreneurial idol) so much, we decided to design our mag just like hers!
Come on ya'll, give me some feedback! What's some great ideas for this new magazine???
Until next time,

Monday, February 6, 2012

Oh, the things we can still learn!!!

     Ah, yet again I've learned a lot over the past couple of days. Yep, expanding those brain cells is pretty darn exciting! Here's a quick run down: first, I listened to a church service that I had missed recently and it was pointed out just how "puny" we Americans pray. We pray for safety about everything! Safe travels, safety during sports play, safety, safety. Then we pray for ourselves: bless our finances, keep us healthy, help me find a job or a spouse, etc. We pray for others: bless them, heal them, comfort them, etc. We tend to talk to God as if we need to be careful what we ask for. NOOOOO! There is absolutely nothing wrong with WHAT we pray because we SHOULD pray for those things, but God is waiting on something BIG to do for us! BE BOLD in your prayers! Ask and it shall be given, Seek and you shall find. God is waiting to "show up and show off" in your life so that He can be glorified.
       Next, I learned that we will watch any reality show they throw on TV. Have you checked out Bayou Billionaires? Or are you hooked on one of the Housewives shows? Can you believe how those women act? What about Swamp People? Gotta love it!
   I've learned that once people know how yummy my hubby cooks deer meat, that everybody wants some! I've learned that even the strongest of friends still need a friend of their own sometimes to cry on a shoulder. I've learned that just because you have satellite and a million channels doesn't mean you get them ALL! Yep, we missed out on the big game during the Madonna concert! I've learned that just because you have cancer doesn't mean you curl up in a ball and give up. I love you and your bald head Skylar!

    And last but not least, I've learned that a true Southern Belle is happy with her Southern life, but having dreams is still absolutely OK and you should still GO AFTER THEM!
Embrace your awesomeness because YOU ARE AWESOME!!!
Until next time,