Monday, February 13, 2012

The Dreaded To-Do List

 Are you a list maker? I am. I love lists. Actually, they're pretty much a necessity the older I get just so I can remember what all I'm supposed to be doing. So today, I am working at home and decided it best to make my to-do list in order to have a most productive day.

    I have my list of household chores I need to get done today and I have a list of things for work I really need to get done today. So far, I've managed to cross off about 3 of the 50 things on the list. NOT feeling very productive. Only 3, really? What to do when your list is overwhelming you? PROCRASTINATE! Yep, can't you tell? I'm blogging aren't I? THAT wasn't on the list for today.

    So during my procrastination I've started to ponder..... why do women feel like we have to do it all? Wife, mother, house cleaner, errand girl, laundry attendant, career woman and we can't leave off our actual desired activities such as: blogging, painting, reading, watching chick flicks, exercising, spa time, tanning or whatever else we love to do with some of our time. Notice I didn't say "spare time". I don't think there is such a thing.

    My husband would look at me right now and say his usual, "you bring it on yourself." And he'd be right. But gosh darn it, I love doing all the extra things my busy, creative mind thinks of. Too bad the dreaded to-do list gets in the way.

    New idea! Let's start a "we're the list makers club" and add girls night to the list- monthly. Who's in?

Ok, procrastination party time over. Must tackle this list!

Until next time,

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