Saturday, February 25, 2012

Lose Weight? I say YES! How bout You?

So are you ready to lose some weight? I am! Don't get me wrong, I don't mind being a plus size, cause I just don't think I'll ever be skinny again, but I would like to be a smaller plus size. I know myself and I know that I will not follow through on any sort of hard core diet, restrictions, all or nothing kind of programs so I have decided to just incorporate a few little things each week that I know I can do!

I have been researching a bit and will continue to do so as we go along, to find easy tips that we can all do. Baby steps for this gal! So are you with me? I will add new tips each few days or each week depending on how they fit into the plan! I am really excited about this! I think we can do it!!! Let's get started!

Weigh in Monday morning. No, you don't have to tell me cause I ain't tellin' you either! Next, we must set a goal. And no, I don't mean say, "I need to lose 100 lbs". That is too overwhelming. Let's go with a goal of just 1 pound per week. Or 2 pounds if you want to challenge yourself. See, doesn't that sound do-able? 

It will also help to have someone do this with you or at least be your accountability partner. Check in & report to your partner your progress every couple of days- good or bad. 

Incorporate as many of this week's tips as you'd like. For example: on Monday, you can do just 1 tip or go ahead and start doing several of them. Or you can just add 1 or 2 each day. This is supposed to be easy for you to fit into YOUR lifestyle. 


1- #1 tip there is- Drink lots of water. Drink 8-10 8 oz glasses per day.  Best way is to drink 2 glasses (16 oz) before each meal. It will help you feel full and eat less. Don't care for water? Buy the flavored water or squeeze some flavor in yourself from a lemon, lime or orange.

2- Use a smaller plate for meals. This will help with portion control. No super size options here!

3- Don't clean your plate! I know, you were taught the opposite. But trust me, it's ok. Get in the habit of leaving a few bites on your plate. This will train you to pay attention to when you're getting full instead of concentrating on eating everything on the plate.

4- Eat Slowly. Enjoy your food. Be sure to spice your foods well while cooking. Eating bland food feels too much like a diet.

5- Our goal is LESS CALORIES. To lose weight we must burn more calories than we take in. So don't obsess over low fat, no fat, low carb, etc. Pay attention to how many calories are in the foods you eat. Read labels and don't forget to divide out per serving size. Don't worry about sticking to a certain number of calories per day just yet. We'll get to that soon.

6- MOVE! Pick something you actually enjoy! We are going to avoid the words exercise and working out. Just do something that gets you off the couch. Walk, run, swim, zumba, karate, bike riding, playing ball with your kids, etc. Do some activity at least 3 times per week.

7- Don't try to change your diet too much just yet. Eat what you've been eating, just smaller portions, which will help with the less calories part. Drinking the water and doing an activity will jump start you without you feeling like you're depriving yourself.

That's it, for a few days at least. Easy right! So let's try this for a couple of days and then we may add some tips. Good Luck!!!  We can do it!!!!!

Until next time,


  1. I'm with ya girl! I've been working on this for the past week. My household has decided to start eating better. One good tip I got was eat something within an hour of getting up. It doesn't have to be a big meal, just a piece of toast will do. It is supposed to get your metabolism going for the day. Does it work? I don't know but it sounds good =)

  2. I have always been told to eat within an hour of waking up to prevent our bodies from creating too much insulin. An apple is the BEST for early mornng energy, BUT since I am a thyroid patient, I have to wait 30-45 minutes before I can eat, but I do enjoy my green tea in the morning! My breakfast usually consists of an apple, low fat yogurt, and a 1/2 cup of Kashi cereal. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!

  3. We can do it Jessica! You said it right- it's about just eating better. If we can get that down pat, the weight loss will come. Yes, from what all I've read, eating soon after waking up is the best. Skipping breakfast should never be an option. Hungry or not, our bodies do need that fuel to kick up the metabolism for the day. One of the other tips I will be posting is to try to do your activity (such as a brisk walk) right after you wake up- FIRST thing. Before shower, and especially before breakfast as that makes our body work on the stored fat instead of "new" food. Looking forward to interacting w/ya'll!
