HELP!!! I need help! YOU may need help! So let's team up! Anyone wanting or trying to lose weight? For me, it's a never-ending battle. It's ALWAYS on my to do list, always on my mind and always a failed attempt. If you're like me, we find some new "diet" or "program" that we get excited about and actually do well on... for a while. We even lose a little bit of weight too! But, in the end, I give up, make excuses and revert back to old ways.
I am TIRED OF IT! I am ready for a massive weight loss along with a complete lifestyle change that will last the rest of my life. Forest is right.... fat people have a higher risk of dying younger than those more fit. I don't know about you, but I don't want blubber to be what does me in. So here's what I've concluded. I will continue to research all of the various plans, diets, programs, tips, etc. that are out there and try to combine things from lots of different programs to make it more realistic and easy for those of us who are emotional eaters or just love food! I'll be posting those tips & ideas for you soon.
In the meantime, will you join Team Holleywood? I need some accountability partners! I need some cheerleaders and a team of people who can help each other on this journey. I want us to be brutally honest about our weight and our eating habits. I know I will do better if I know that on a certain day every week that I will have to post my weight and admit to any cheating. I need a group of friends who have my back (side) and will tell me like it is in order to get rid of the weight for good.
Are you willing to join this challenge with me? If yes, you have to also be willing to post your exact weight and be completely honest on your progress each week. It's time to "get real" ladies. So are you up for the challenge?
Once we get a team going, I will start a group on facebook for easier tracking and commenting. But in the meantime, post your comments below or email me at: to let me know you're joining my team! We can SO DO THIS TOGETHER!!!
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