Monday, January 23, 2012

Yes, I am Wonder Woman!

   Of course I am only one of millions of women who think they are already, expected to be or need to be, Wonder Woman! We are a daughter, sister, friend, mom, wife, career woman, taxi driver, counselor, chef, maid, nurse, cheerleader, decorator, shopper, organizer, and the list goes on. Whew, it's enough to make you tired just reading it, right ya'll?  Well, I said I'd update you on my latest, "revised" projects so here goes! First, I have decided to close the main location of my retail shop, j-girlz. Instead, my items will be be re-located inside another local gift shop (of which I won't have to run! lol) and also we will be opening a smaller version in my hometown, which I've always wanted. Wicksburg, my "hometown", isn't exactly a town so we need some cute shops here for a little shopping convenience! Next, my magazines. I am SO excited that jody magazine will now be Southern Belle magazine and will be reaching out more regionally and hopefully national! j-outdoors magazine will continue to be focused on local people and stories but we are changing the name of it too! I met a really fabulous lady who will head up the outdoors mag to take a little bit of the load off of this Wonder Woman. I am slowly building a team of awesome ladies & men who will help make these little projects a success. AND, yep, there's more, hence the Wonder Woman title...... I am working on websites for both mags, a shopping cart on facebook for j-girlz, another website - to be announced soon, a plus size pageant, ground floor plans with a friend for a women's ministry retreat, writing more of "my book" and tossing around some ideas to help raise awareness for teen cancer. SEE? I TOLD you I was Wonder Woman! How bout you??? Would love to hear some of your stories on what all is going on in your life to make you feel like Wonder Woman!
    I have a friend at a former job who calls me "Awesome Amy" so I guess I'll take that and run with it and use it as my new motto for you all! (and I also stole this line from a movie I watched today! ha!) ....... "Embrace Your Awesomeness"! We are ALL awesome women and can do anything we dream! You just have to believe and WORK! Doors won't open if you don't turn the knob!
Until next time,   (which will include my grandmother's secret recipe for Awesome Red Velvet Cake!)

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