Monday, September 24, 2012

I am in Love with Mark Zuckerberg!

Just look at that cute face!!! What's NOT to love? And the fact that he has a little money doesn't hurt either. So of course I'm in love with the guy! Ok, before you go teasing my sweet, handsome hubby, let me set the record straight and stop kidding around.

Yes, I do love Mark Zuckerberg...... for starting facebook. There, my secret's out. While I am definitely a people person, I'm not one to be all over every social activity there is. I've never even laid eyes on a single page of MySpace, I barely know how to tweet, I haven't started on Google Plus or LinkedIn yet, I don't read the gossip magazines or participate in live gossip, but oh do I love facebook!

Facebook has been around for quite a while. I'm not even sure when it launched. To me, it was just another one of those socializing sites that I felt too "old" for and couldn't care less about..... until about 2 years ago. I actually joined facebook for business purposes. I was told it was the fastest way to get the word out about businesses and totally free. So I signed up. I worked my business page but rarely did anything on my personal page. But, it kind of grew on me! I liked being able to chat with long lost friends! It's not like I get to see these people every day so it became very fun. Not to mention all of the great photos and funnies you get to see posted minute by minute if you choose to stay plugged in for any length of time.

But it wasn't until recently that it really hit me just how much I really am in love with facebook (and Mark)! It's because of the Southern Belle Magazine page. It brings me such great joy to share fun stuff with others who I get to call friends although I've never even met over 8500 of them! These friends leave comments that are complimenting, funny and even a few that make you go hmmm. Yes, I do get those mean comments but my man Mark even took care of that with the lovely little delete button! What's even more amazing is that So.Belle has fans/friends from not only all over the US but from other countries, such as Japan, the UK, New Zealand, Israel, Canada and Australia! It's truly humbling and such a treat to post something at 2 a.m. in the morning here in Alabama and to have a comment from someone who is halfway thru their day in another part of the world.

So, thank you cute Mark for your gift to the world. May we all use it wisely. After all, what would our world be like without friends, even the facebook kind.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Finding Family Time in a Overcrowded Schedule

As with most every aspect of my life, my work schedule is also on a constant roller coaster. I stay extremely busy, then get a bit frustrated or just plain ol' burnt out and take some time off, only to fall behind again and back to extremely busy. And when I say extremely busy, I mean sleeping only 4-5 hours per night for weeks and work filling the remaining 19-20 hours of the day. If I listed it all here, you'd probably have to take a Xanax yourself just from the pure anxiety of reading all about it. But, I bring it on myself, so to speak. Well, the getting behind part anyway. If I'd work non-stop continuously then maybe I'd stay in a maintenance mode instead of a catch up mode. Let me tell you, running an entire magazine along with a couple of other projects by yourself is just simply overwhelming most days, but I know it will all be worth it one day. And that day can't come soon enough!!!

So, how do I find the time to spend with my family? There is no time left to "find", I simply do it. After a week of hardly any sleep, I'll crash and sleep in on a Saturday morning (that's just for me.) But I do make sure I'm up in time to catch The Pioneer Woman's episode. LOVE HER! If there's nothing on TV at night to half pay attention to while I work, then hubs and I will turn on a movie and I'll put the computer down for that 2 hours. I occasionally stretch my legs by taking the dog out or doing a load of laundry or dishes. While cleaning the kitchen is usually when one my girls will walk in and chat for a few. My son comes home from college a couple of times per month, so usually I'm watching movies with him late at night while he's here (computer on my lap but still paying attention to him and the movie).

Occasionally, I get out and about with one or all of them. We may go out to eat dinner, hubs & I may go grocery shopping together, the occasional girls day of shopping, or I'll take 1 or 2 kids to a movie (love me some movie theater popcorn!). This past weekend, slammed with work and health not holding up so well, I managed to squeeze in a Friday night trip to college town to watch baby boy play a little flag football (his first  game of football he's played since high school). Loved it! Miss his sports days. Saturday was all day college football on TV with the girls in & out and my sister even stopped by. Sunday was a movie with my oldest girl, then Kardashians with the youngest. So yes, I am STILL up at 5 a.m. as I write this, trying to get some work caught up. If I don't pull some all nighters, I'm never going to get caught up. ~sigh~

Please make sure you "find time" for your family! They need it and so do you!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Let's Team Up!

HELP!!! I need help! YOU may need help! So let's team up! Anyone wanting or trying to lose weight? For me, it's a never-ending battle. It's ALWAYS on my to do list, always on my mind and always a failed attempt. If you're like me, we find some new "diet" or "program" that we get excited about and actually do well on... for a while. We even lose a little bit of weight too! But, in the end, I give up, make excuses and revert back to old ways.

I am TIRED OF IT! I am ready for a massive weight loss along with a complete lifestyle change that will last the rest of my life. Forest is right.... fat people have a higher risk of dying younger than those more fit. I don't know about you, but I don't want blubber to be what does me in.  So here's what I've concluded. I will continue to research all of the various plans, diets, programs, tips, etc. that are out there and try to combine things from lots of different programs to make it more realistic and easy for those of us who are emotional eaters or just love food! I'll be posting those tips & ideas for you soon.

In the meantime, will you join Team Holleywood? I need some accountability partners! I need some cheerleaders and a team of people who can help each other on this journey. I want us to be brutally honest about our weight and our eating habits. I know I will do better if I know that on a certain day every week that I will have to post my weight and admit to any cheating.  I need a group of friends who have my back (side) and will tell me like it is in order to get rid of the weight for good.

Are you willing to join this challenge with me?  If yes, you have to also be willing to post your exact weight and be completely honest on your progress each week. It's time to "get real" ladies. So are you up for the challenge?

Once we get a team going, I will start a group on facebook for easier tracking and commenting. But in the meantime,  post your comments below or email me at: to let me know you're joining my team! We can SO DO THIS TOGETHER!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Look on the Bright Side

Do you tend to focus on all of the things that went wrong during the day? The bad instead of the good? I think we all do that most days. Even if we try to maintain a happy, positive attitude, the things that go wrong simply dominate our thoughts on most days. With all of the heavy thinking and decision making I've been doing over the past few weeks, I decided that I would purposely point out to myself at least 3 things each day that went RIGHT! I have a lot on my plate and remaining focused and not letting the little stuff get me down is of utmost importance.

My 3 good things for today:
1) I was able to mark a few things off my to do list!
2) One of my favorite movies came on TV- Julie & Julia
3) I received several great emails for So.Belle mag that I am excited about!

There you have it! And you know, it's true- when you focus on the good things, the bad stuff isn't so easy to recall.  What 3 things went right for YOU today?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Guess I'm NOT Superwoman

I've been away from my blog for so long!!! Feels good to be back and hopefully I can get back into a routine with it! The past few months have been craaazy busy as usual with all of my ideas spewing from my brain. I think at one point I counted 19 little projects that I was either already involved with or had on my infamous "to-do" list. Yes, I know..... a bit ridiculous. SO, needless to say, it got a bit too much.... even for me- Superwoman. 

I guess I feel like I am SUPPOSED to be superwoman. Take care of the house, cook meals, run errands and still do my own "job(s)". Sound familiar all my super hero ladies? A lot of people THINK I'm superwoman because I am constantly juggling several things at once. I'm often told "I don't know how you do it all". Well, the honest answer is, I don't, not any of it very well anyway. Over the past few weeks, I've grown a bit tired of being so busy, especially with not a whole lot of progress actually being accomplished. So I've been trying to hone in on what I really want to do, what projects I really want to pursue and how to better balance my work time with my family time. 

Prayerfully seeking answers, the first thing was to narrow that list of 19 down to about 7-9, which is huge for me! This past week, that number had been whittled down to 5 1/2. And just today, I threw in the towel and finally admitted to myself that I am NOT Superwoman. Super powers are reserved for those way younger than me. At 42, it's time to just "be".  So now my real number of "jobs or projects" is at 3 1/2. Think that's about as low as I can get it. 

But let's keep this in perspective here. Those 3 1/2 consist of my blog and lots of new projects about to launch on this blog, my new job of being a Paparazzi $5 Jewelry consultant and my magazine work, which is a full-time job itself. Southern Belle Magazine has SO many new things going on and it's growing so fast I can hardly keep up. 

I realized today that if only I had listened to my hubby more along the "idea journey" that I wouldn't have made so many mistakes. There's a reason God put this dreamer with a realist. And as hard as it is to admit, hubby has been right about most things. 

Overall, as it always has been, it is my innermost dream to inspire women and be a friend to any who need one, so this blog will be my public forum to do just that. Please be sure to stop by often, join me on facebook ( and get ready for all new projects coming your way. But just from Amy this time, not Superwoman. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Animal Weekend

Well, this weekend was interesting. I shelled my first bucket of peas all by myself- lazy kids. That's ok. There will be plenty more buckets and they will be shellin'!

It's been raining a lot so it's been an inside kind of weekend. We did get little bit of rain free skies during which I tried to get in my daily walk (this fluffy girl's form of exercise). Our peek-a-poo, Marley, goes walking with me. Up the road a bit from our house is a large drainage pipe going underneath the road. So during our walk on Friday, as we approach that pipe, I hear something growling. Hmm, is that Thunder? Better walk faster Marley, rain is coming!

Then growling turns into a few barks. Sounds like it's off in the distance but it sure is loud. I turn and look behind us- no dog in sight. I look out across all of the fields that surround us- no dog. Yep, my heart is racing a bit. I have no stick to fiend off a big dog, I'm a bit of a big girl to try to outrun him and my poor little house dog would try to defend me to the death and my children would never forgive me if something happened to that dog. They would rather I pick him up and just try to run. 

I finally figure out that the barks are coming from inside that pipe as we walk over it. Ok, panicked now. We try to be quiet and speed up. I turn several times as we walk farther away from the pipe to make sure the dog that was behind that bark wasn't emerging and coming after us. He didn't. Whew. But guess what? We have to cross back over to go home. Uh-Oh. Could our luck hold out twice?

So, on the way back, I have my hubby's phone #  on my phone screen, ready to hit send, just in case he needed to come rescue us. And, I did manage to find a big stick along the roadside that I could use til my hero could rescue us. So, here we go... speeding over the pipe, trying to be quiet. Here comes the growls. I'm surprised I don't have whiplash as many times as I quickly turned my head back toward that pipe as we crossed over to make sure what I could only assume was a huge dog, wasn't chasing us. And it happened. He did emerge from the end of the pipe. A big, white and brown, German Shepard. 
I hit that send button on my phone so fast! Hubby! Get ready to save us!! No answer. You've got to be kidding me! He knows if I'm walking to be on standby with his phone in case some pyscho tries to kidnap me!!! Hero! Where are you? I look back again. Dog still sitting by the pipe entrance, just watching us. Yay! He's not foaming at the mouth ready to attack! 
Yep, that was a fast walk!

Then..... on Saturday, hubby was trimming limbs from the trees in our yard and came across one of our tree dwelling residents. Now, we have lots of squirrels that live in our trees. It's one of Marley's favorite things to do... chase squirrels. But that's not the resident that honey came across. He tugs at a limb and as it is falling to the ground, so does a white oak snake. Ewwwww! He says he likes them around because they help control our squirrel population, but lately we've seen bunches of squirrels so apparently this resident snake was a lazy one. So, hubby kills the snake. Finally, my hero again! I'd rather have a yard full of squirrels any day!

Later y'all!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Getting Back to Farm Life

Hey y'all! Thought I'd give a re-cap of my week, but since it involves quite a bit of info, I decided I'd write it in list form.

1. Monday- deals day- Thanks to my hubby buying a Sunday paper for the 1st time in months I decided to buy a few groceries with coupons and the BOGO deals. (thanks hunny, I think) I had to split my transaction at Winn Dixie to utilize my coupons best. CONFUSING! Much Respect to you extreme couponers out there! But I did score some great deals! So maybe I'll get back into it just a little! ;)   
2. Also decided to buy myself a cowboy hat to wear to the BamaJam Music Fest next week. I've never been a hat girl. They just don't look cute on me. I brilliantly decided that the reason the cowgirl hats didn't look cute was because they are made small and I have a big head. (no, it's not from ego) So I bought a men's cowboy hat that looks just like the girl's version. I thought it looked pretty darn cute. My 16 yr old daughter laughed hysterically, my son said it looked pretty cute and my hubby said uh-uh. SO, I will carry on and get a few more opinions.... from OUTSIDE my family! 
3. If you've followed this blog or my many facebook pages, then you know that I am on a mission to get back to the "farm life". I miss it terribly and don't like that my children live in the South and haven't had as much experience with all things southern like I was able to while growing up. SO, we will be a pea picking, clothesline hanging, chicken raisin', gather our own eggs, crafting, cookin' southern recipes family before summer is over. I did go pick a bucket of peas by myself the other day. Boy, forgot what a job that was! But loved it! Kids get ready- goin pea-pickin and then shellin' em!
4.This week was also my 3rd week on the Visalus 90 Day Challenge. I must say, I am usually pretty skeptical about most things, especially when it involves having enough will power to stick to something long enough to lose any weight. I AM REALLY IMPRESSED with this stuff y'all. I am still loving my 2 shakes per day. I actually look forward to them! Can't wait to post some results for you in a week or so!! I feel amazing! You owe it to yourself to check this product out!
5. AND last but not least, will update you on my brain activity. I have been trying SO hard to just concentrate on 1 or 2 things, especially since I'm so far behind in EVERYTHING! But, I'm not having very much success with that. Just when I thought I may could just do 1 or 2 things, new ideas pop in. Someone please create a pill to fix that! So here's my new list of things I want to do... all at once of course: So.Belle Mag, bring jody mag back (website first, maybe print later), this blog of course (new site coming soon- going to be SO CUTE & have giveaways!), creating a "southern life" for my family (including some house improvements and redecorating projects), some crafts, my online shop (& maybe open a small store back up), write more (my book and a couple of e-booklets), read more, paint some furniture to re-sell and build my Visalus Challenge team! I know right- WHEW! Just can't seem to tear myself away from that Wonder Woman title. Even tho I know I'm not, still tryin' for it!
Yep, that's a fluffy Wonder Woman, cause I'm fluffy! 

Enjoy your weekend!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Things are getting interesting......

Hey y'all, guess what? This past week had some pretty great surprises for me! And yep, I must share. It involves a concert, a photo shoot, a surprise phone call and a shift in moods. Let me explain. I have still been on an emotional roller coaster lately, still trying to figure out my ever pressing big question of "what I want to be when I grow up". My brain is tired of thinking. Do they make an idea shut off medicine? Anyway, I've pretty much decided and now to get to work...... on Southern Belle Magazine and this blog. 

You get to be the first to hear that Southern Belle Magazine has some exciting projects in the works. One of the new features will be giveaways & contests. Prizes for you!! Yay! We'll also be having our own you-tube channel!! It will feature videos that YOU will LOVE! Tutorials on fashion, beauty and recipes and all things southern videos such as home decor ideas and places to visit and/or shop. I am so stinkin' excited to play with this! Welllll, other than the fact that I've just recently started trying to lose weight so my 1st several hosting videos will be me in all my fluffy glory. But hey, guess you'll get to see my transformation first hand.
Next, as for this blog... I will be switching it over to a wordpress site and it is going to be SO CUTE! I'll also be adding giveaways to this site too! AND, IF you all are interested, we might just start up The Southern Wives Club. Whatcha think? 

As for my week's surprises.... my 16 yr. old daughter is a huge Justin Beiber fan. Ok, yes, I'll admit it, I like him too and so does my 24 year old daughter. His upcoming tour will bring him to two cities near us: Atlanta and Birmingham so of course she's been bugging me to get tickets. She thought they went on sale on Saturday but then realized around lunchtime on Friday that the tickets were already on sale. I just KNEW we had probably missed out since tickets went on sale at 10 a.m. and his concerts sell out pretty fast. But, good mama that I am, went online and luckily there were some nose bleed seats left in both cities. We chose Birmingham and so in January 2013, I'll be taking my girls to see the Beibs and listen to them and thousands of other screaming girls for 2 hours. Makin' Memories..... gotta love it.

Next news- I get to be in my first photo shoot!! It's for a plus size boutique in Panama City Beach, FL and I am super excited. I normally don't like to have my photo taken but this will be fun! Who knows, maybe I can even score a free outfit from it. When I told my hubby I was going to be in a photo shoot, he said "what? one you're putting on?" Very funny.

Surprise Phone Call.... well, I can't say much about that. I can say that it was from another magazine wanting to have me in their next issue!!!!! And no, I didn't solicit them. Bet that's what you were thinking. Nope, they actually contacted me! My youngest says, "wow, you're gonna be famous".  (insert huge LOL here) But it is very exciting! Forward motion toward the future. Soon to be a household name! lol, well, maybe not me but hopefully Southern Belle Mag.

I've talked yer ear off so I'll shut it up now. Will update tomorrow on my 90 day challenge!!!

Until then,

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The 90 Day Challenge-Week 1 Review

It's been a while, hasn't it? Sorry! Took some time to make a few beach trips before it got too hot here in South Alabama. Unfortunately that put me behind in more work than blogging. But never fear! Back on track so Southern Belle Mag will get a full update, BamaJam plans will proceed, blogging will commence and just maybe, I'll open my store.

In other news, I simply MUST tell you about my latest venture! Nine days ago I started the Body by Vi 90 day Challenge. What is that, you ask? Why, thanks for asking! Let me fill you in! This is a weight loss/fitness challenge via Visalus, the new company I just signed on with. It basically consists of replacing 1 to 2 meals per day with a shake made from their "shake mix that tastes like cake mix".  100's of shake recipes can be made with this shake mix base. And guess what? They really ARE yummy! 

I admit, I was very skeptical at first. My friend was signing up and had a challenge party in which we could taste the product. I am EXTREMELY picky with tastes so I didn't get my hopes up. But it delivered! I actually love them! Secondly, I was doubting that they would do the trick. I literally have no will power and munch a lot, especially late at night while I'm working. (I type that as I'm munching on popcorn.) I was told that if I didn't want to, I didn't have to change what I was eating OR exercise and I could still lose weight/inches. Excuse me? Ever heard of "if it's too good to be true, then it must not be true"? Apparently, this health shake whips your body back into shape by whipping your body's functions back in line with the way they are supposed to work. It is designed to burn fat while building lean muscle. It's supposed to help with suppressing your appetite and give more energy. I was told that once the product was in my system that I would no longer crave the bad foods such as sweets and would want to actually eat healthier. Too Good To Be TRUE, right?! 

So what's my verdict?
Well, IT DOES WORK! I am 42 years old and need to lose over 100 lbs. I love the taste of the shakes. 
During my first 3-4 days I was already noticing a difference- no not weight loss- a bit too soon to check that. But, I could tell that I wasn't craving my M&M's, I was snacking but not in the usual quantities and I seem to be getting full faster when I do eat. I have tried several flavors and now actually look forward to shake time. I have only exercised (walked) twice over the past 8 days, and even though I am adding more water, I have not altered my diet.
I did lose 2 lbs over the first 7 days but am waiting to do new measurements after the 2nd week. I do know that I'm feeling better and I don't feel like I'm depriving myself so it doesn't feel like a diet, which is awesome! 

The other things I need to mention are the ingredients needed for the shakes and the cost. Yes, the shake mix can be mixed in just water alone. It tastes perfectly fine that way- just not as yummy of course. You could also add fruit to the water based shake. Water based obviously is best if you have any problems with dairy products, because most people (including myself) prefer mixing it with a milk base. You can choose a low-fat or skim milk or the Silk brand milks. A lot of us are using the Silk Almond milk in original, vanilla or dark chocolate.  We also add in frozen/fresh fruit, cookies, peanut butter, pretty much anything you'd like to flavor. You can also use the jello pudding mixes and add in a spoonful. As for cost, it is $49 to do 2 shakes per day for 15 days or 1 shake per day for a month. Or you can do 2 shakes per day for a month for $99. I personally don't think that's too expensive. I'm replacing meals, so what I would have spent on eating lunch most days covers my 2 shakes. But, we all like to have friends lose weight with us to make it more fun and hold us accountable so if you get 3 friends to sign on with you, then you can get your shake kit for free. As long as you have 3, yours is free. Can't beat that! So yes, the kit and milk and ingredients add up, but well worth it. Especially when you do consider you're not paying a gym fee, you're not paying for lunch out every day and you can cut back on a portion of the groceries that you personally won't need. 

So, my review of my 1st week on Visalus is a double thumbs up! If you want an easy way to lose weight/inches/sizes.... then this is the way to go!
Here's one of the 100's of recipes you could try:
Want more information? You can go to my website and check out videos and read more.  or leave your email in the comment section and I'd be happy to send you some more info. My email is: if you prefer to contact me that way.
Let's do this!


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sometimes You Just Need a Break

The last few weeks of my life have been a blur. I didn't know what day of the week it was and couldn't carry on a normal conversation with anyone if they tried. My brain was consumed with completing the very daunting task of launching Southern Belle Magazine. You may not can tell by looking thru the site exactly how much work and time it takes. It is mentally exhausting. So much so that this week, my brain is still mush, I'm still having trouble keeping up with what day it is and I'm just plain ole tired. So nearing a nervous breakdown/panic attach the past couple of days, I decided it was probably a good idea to take a break.

I have a wonderful new friend who allows me to stay in her townhouse in Panama City Beach anytime I'd like so at the beach is where I am as I write this. Yes, I do know how lucky I am to be able to do that. Not everyone can escape at the drop of a hat. I am truly blessed.

Do you ever feel like you simply MUST take a break or you're just going to go plum crazy? I think as women we try to be all and do all for everyone, often losing ourselves in the process. Sometimes we just need to take some time for "just me". Whether it's 10 minutes to look thru your favorite magazine, 20 minutes to soak in a tub, a 30 minute nap, a 2 hour movie or a day or so at the beach. We need to simply breathe, think thru things, make decisions or plans, perhaps even jot a few notes in a journal about possibly chasing a dream.

Whatever YOUR break is, please take the time to just do it! It will refresh your mind and give you renewed energy to tackle your day to day life. Losing yourself will put you in a downward spiral to unhappiness, or worse, a depression. Here's a little checklist to help you get started!

1) Right when you wake up, before ANYTHING else, read something motivational: a bible scripture, an inspirational quote, etc. Think you won't do it? Then take the time to put a few verses or quotes on post it notes and stick them to your bathroom mirror. Just take that 2 minutes to be thankful for a new day. CHOOSE to be happy.

2) On your lunch break- take a 10 minute walk outside. Sunshine will make a huge difference in your mood!
3) Late afternoon, perhaps on your drive home for work- turn off the radio, TV and any other background noise.... yep- even the cell phone. Just be in silence. Reflect on your day. Talk to God. Relax your mind before your evening starts.
4) Evening- take time to really talk with your partner and your children. Listen to how their day was. Be all you can be in those few moments with them.  They deserve you at your best.

5) When everyone is in bed- catch up on some reading, spend some quiet time with God. END your day. I recently read that the work never ends so we must choose to stop our day. Your body, mind and soul need rest. (and I'm preaching to myself on this one!)
.... and last but not least..... take some time (a Saturday morning, your day off, whatever time you can) and think about your life. What do you want from it? How do you want to impact others? Start making a plan of action to put your dreams in motion. They don't have to be the big dreams like being a millionaire or traveling the world. Just start listing the little things you'd like to do in life that would make you happy. Then start doing them. God wants us to live life abundantly and victoriously. To be so happy ourselves that our "happy light" shines onto others.

BUT, keep it in balance ladies! We sure don't have time for an extended stay in the looney bin! That is something that I am trying to work on myself. B-A-L-A-N-C-E. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. Darn, where are those ruby red slippers when you need them? If they can take Dorothy home then surely they can do a little magic for me!

Until next time,

Saturday, March 10, 2012

My Obsessions

We all have our little secrets don't we? You know, things like: our real age, our real weight, a little crush on a movie star, etc. Or maybe you secretly eat a whole carton of ice cream at 3 am. Whatever your secret is, it is safe with me! Because I have some too! But, amidst the safety of a blog, since it is just written instead of face to face admission, I'm going to share my obsessive secrets with you! SsssHhhhhh! Don't tell anyone about a few of these, Ok?

First up~ I am ADDICTED to M&M's. Literally. Chocolate, calories and even the commercials! Who doesn't love a red m&m stripper right? Next, I am OBSESSED with the beach. I simply must live there. I mean, obsessed to the point that I'm actually nervous about visiting often as the Spring/Summer "beach season" approaches because I KNOW it's going to depress me when I have to leave. 
I am in AWE of Tori Spelling. I love how she does EVERYTHING! Actress, author, has her own jewelry line, her own children's clothing line, a TV show, a store, an online magazine, mom, wife, crafter and I'm sure the list goes on. She is my workaholic BFF.
I LONG FOR Extra bubble gum! Must chew gum daily! And 3 pieces at a time please! And yes, I have to be reprimanded sometimes for smacking. Yep, it's that good.

I LOVE fried chicken fingers! If ever I order something different at a restaurant, whoever is dining with me gives me a quite surprised look! I could eat chicken every single day.
My fave HOBBY is watching movies. I keep a Netflix list of about 140 movies and can never seem to cut that list shorter. Always a new one to add, and uh-oh, now we have Redbox. A DVD at my fingertips on every corner. 

So what's YOUR secret obsessions? Do you maybe have a closet full of shoes? Do you perhaps wish you could spend a week on a deserted island with Channing Tatum? Do you wish there was invisible spanx to wear with your swimsuit? Are you a wine-a-holic or a whine-a-holic? Do you crave oreos? Come on! Your secret's safe with me remember? Spill the beans! And for all you pinterest pinners..... I dare you to pin your sexy, fantasy guy! (insert giggle here!)

Until next time,

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Stress Eating, Sales & Girl's Night

Well I don't know about ya'll but I pretty much blew it this week on the whole weight loss thing. It was a rough week for me and I'm a stress eater! How'd you do? I would say I did about a 2 on a scale of 1-10. But I guess that's better than a zero, right? After all, I did say it would take me baby steps to get it going. I did, however, pay attention to WHY I was doing bad and I intend to work on those areas so hopefully this week I'll be able to rate myself at least a 4. Do you stress eat too? We could be millionaires if we could figure out a solution to that problem! Hmmm, something new to think about!

I'll add some new tips for us to try at the end of this post, but for now I have to tell you about an unusual yard sale I had this week. As most of you know, I have a retail business selling clothes, jewelry, purses, etc. We closed our store Jan.31st and will now be going to an online boutique instead. I had lots of things left from the store that I wanted to sell and just start with fresh, new  inventory in the online store. I wanted to have an actual yard sale, you know, outside on tables with people pulling their cars over and getting out to shop. BUT, it has pretty much been raining for a month here in South Alabama so planning a yard sale just didn't seem to be in the cards.

My solution? Have an online yard sale on facebook! So that's what I did! I posted photos, added yard sale prices and told the 'fans' to comment sold and the first who did got the item! I've done 2 out of 3 rounds so far and it is SO MUCH FUN! I think the fans enjoy it too! Final round will be in a couple of days, then comes the hard part! Having to schedule times to meet folks for pick up of the items they bought! But hey, it's easier than unpacking it all onto tables then packing back up what didn't sell. So think about that next time you want to sell some stuff! Post it on your facebook! Just may work for you too!
So I guess I get to end the week on a fun note too! It's Saturday and tonight there is a girl's only "passion" party. You know, the lingerie and other "stuff" kind of party! Yes, there are samples there. And no boys allowed! It's hilarious to see some of the wilder girls act out and oh, the comments that get said! So much fun. If you've never been and you get a chance to go, please do. Must warn you though, if you get embarrassed easily, the passion party is probably not the best place for you! But it is good fun with friends! Looking forward to some girl time.
So here's some new weight loss tips to try this week:

- Try to cut out all sodas and sweet tea. Maybe start out slow. If you drink 3 cans of soda per day, maybe just cut down to one- 1/2 during the 1st part of the day & the other 1/2 later.

-Keep easy snacks on hand such as: apples, grapes, bananas, a pre-cut veggie tray, 100 calorie pre-packaged snacks and fat free microwave popcorn.

-Eat 6-8 mini meals during the day versus 3 main meals. Throw in those snacks in between meals. See? You can actually eat MORE on the "D" word.

-Implement the RULE of ONE: have 1 cookie, 1 fun size candy bar, etc. each day. Don't deprive yourself completely.

-Want a quick craving deterrent? Try a red hot fireball! Flavorful and lasts a while!
-Adopt your own motto depending on how late at night you stay up. If you go to bed at 9 or 10 then your motto would be "After six you should nix". If you stay up til 11 or 12 then your motto could be "After eight is too late". Whichever motto you choose, stick to it and DON'T eat after your cut off time. That alone will make a big difference. And that alone is going to be hardest for me, I think!

Good Luck this week! We'll check our weights on Monday and see if we lost any despite our cheating! lol. Now off to get ready for my "sexy" date! 

Until next time,

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tell me YOUR dream! Then go for it!

Being a night owl gives you some quiet time to just think, doesn't it? Oops. I really should stop doing so much thinking! I'm just plain pooped. My to-do list poster is overwhelming but the word simplify just doesn't seem to fit into my brain. No wonder really, it's already full of thoughts and ideas! No room for simple.

So here are my night owl thoughts. First, and don't you laugh!, I actually realized that I have a title! Yep, I'm a WAHM! Don't know quite why that hasn't dawned on me before. I was just associating that title to moms with small children who were either doing a direct sales type business or crafting something to sell. But I AM a Work At Home Mom!!  My chosen route just happens to take up a poster size space! 

So, you ask, how's my new weight loss journey going? Yesterday was pretty good but today I was a bad girl. Just a bit overwhelmed today so I just didn't do what I should have. But I will tomorrow!!! Felt guilty today- which is good incentive! I'll add a few new tips tomorrow or Thursday. 

Can I ask you a question? What do you want to be when you grow up? Do you know? Do you have a dream? Do you have a plan? Are you going to go for that dream? Or are you just going to settle and leave the dream up to fate instead of working toward it? 

I am 42 years old and I have just not too long ago figured out what I want to do with my life. As crazy as my family thinks I am, I love being busy and creating the outlets for my dreams to actually come true from the ground up. It takes work ya'll. A LOT of work. Long hours, no pay usually (not yet anyway) and the determination to just not give up. Tell me your dream. Let me give you some tips on how to go for that dream! Ladies say this to me all the time, "I don't know how you do it all". So here's your chance to get exclusive insider tips!

I want to build my own little empire, so to speak. I want about 5 different businesses to work and be successful. Why? To be famous? no. To be rich? yes, so I can share that blessing with those who need it. To feel important? no. I do what I do because I simply love it. It defines who I am. It's when I'm happiest. Crazy ideas and all. So what's holding you back? Come on, tell me! I promise you, a dream is attainable. Your willingness to work toward it just has to be as strong as the desire for it to come true. Just like you want to do everything you can to make your own children happy, God wants to do the same for His children. You! Me.

Here's my email: Tell me your dream. What can I do to help you get started? Just call me Dear Amy! I mean think about it... I am a southern housewife who is now the owner of her own magazine! Still small and relatively unknown, but a magazine, none the less! I am doing 2 interviews this week with a couple of celebrities! Small television show celebrities and not movie stars, but they DO have their own  TV show so in my book, they're celebrities! I'd say that going after my dream seems to be going in the right direction, wouldn't you?

And, yes, ONE day, I'll write a book about it! After all, THAT's on the list too!
As promised, the quick snapshot of my to-do poster! lol. Nope, not too cute, but at least there's enough room on it for me!

Until next time,

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Lose Weight? I say YES! How bout You?

So are you ready to lose some weight? I am! Don't get me wrong, I don't mind being a plus size, cause I just don't think I'll ever be skinny again, but I would like to be a smaller plus size. I know myself and I know that I will not follow through on any sort of hard core diet, restrictions, all or nothing kind of programs so I have decided to just incorporate a few little things each week that I know I can do!

I have been researching a bit and will continue to do so as we go along, to find easy tips that we can all do. Baby steps for this gal! So are you with me? I will add new tips each few days or each week depending on how they fit into the plan! I am really excited about this! I think we can do it!!! Let's get started!

Weigh in Monday morning. No, you don't have to tell me cause I ain't tellin' you either! Next, we must set a goal. And no, I don't mean say, "I need to lose 100 lbs". That is too overwhelming. Let's go with a goal of just 1 pound per week. Or 2 pounds if you want to challenge yourself. See, doesn't that sound do-able? 

It will also help to have someone do this with you or at least be your accountability partner. Check in & report to your partner your progress every couple of days- good or bad. 

Incorporate as many of this week's tips as you'd like. For example: on Monday, you can do just 1 tip or go ahead and start doing several of them. Or you can just add 1 or 2 each day. This is supposed to be easy for you to fit into YOUR lifestyle. 


1- #1 tip there is- Drink lots of water. Drink 8-10 8 oz glasses per day.  Best way is to drink 2 glasses (16 oz) before each meal. It will help you feel full and eat less. Don't care for water? Buy the flavored water or squeeze some flavor in yourself from a lemon, lime or orange.

2- Use a smaller plate for meals. This will help with portion control. No super size options here!

3- Don't clean your plate! I know, you were taught the opposite. But trust me, it's ok. Get in the habit of leaving a few bites on your plate. This will train you to pay attention to when you're getting full instead of concentrating on eating everything on the plate.

4- Eat Slowly. Enjoy your food. Be sure to spice your foods well while cooking. Eating bland food feels too much like a diet.

5- Our goal is LESS CALORIES. To lose weight we must burn more calories than we take in. So don't obsess over low fat, no fat, low carb, etc. Pay attention to how many calories are in the foods you eat. Read labels and don't forget to divide out per serving size. Don't worry about sticking to a certain number of calories per day just yet. We'll get to that soon.

6- MOVE! Pick something you actually enjoy! We are going to avoid the words exercise and working out. Just do something that gets you off the couch. Walk, run, swim, zumba, karate, bike riding, playing ball with your kids, etc. Do some activity at least 3 times per week.

7- Don't try to change your diet too much just yet. Eat what you've been eating, just smaller portions, which will help with the less calories part. Drinking the water and doing an activity will jump start you without you feeling like you're depriving yourself.

That's it, for a few days at least. Easy right! So let's try this for a couple of days and then we may add some tips. Good Luck!!!  We can do it!!!!!

Until next time,

Friday, February 24, 2012

Who needs a poster?

So maybe I don't need a to-do list poster when I can have a whole chalkboard WALL instead!!! I absolutely LOVE this idea! Good for my never-ending list, kids can draw, guests can play, etc. Only problem I can see is.... won't fit in my purse if I make a grocery list on it!

Confession time! Although most of you reading this already know me, there may be a few of you who don't. So I'm just lettin' ya know that I'm a middle aged, big girl. Sorry, refuse to tell my weight just yet but suffice it to say that big girl is darn accurate! 

I am going to be posting some tips on weight loss. I want to tweak all the ideas out there and just pull from here & there to find what works best for me..... just so I don't go ballistic on my family. Bless their hearts. Going to make it super easy and gradual. Hope some of you will join me! And feel free to post your own ideas too! First tips coming tomorrow!

By the way, pinterest IS pretty cool! Hope I don't disappoint my followers with boring stuff! LOL

Photo of my beautiful to-do list poster to come! Maybe it will inspire you! Or maybe it'll just make you feel sorry for me so you'll come help! 

As for today, I am here:
But WISH I were here:  (Beautiful Destin, FL)

Until next time (tomorrow),